Introduction to Summer Fellowship 2016
Welcome to the Daayitwa Summer Fellowship 2016!Nepal has an immense potential for economic growth and development. One of the critical opportunity our generation faces is in how we capitalize on these potentials and mitigate risks to contribute to individual, community and national development. Our collective talent, energy and passion can contribute tremendously in any sector we choose to release our entrepreneurial spirit. This was also demonstrated in the aftermath of the April 2015, 7.9 magnitude earthquake, which took more than 8,800 lives and caused $6 billion of damage and losses. The tremendous youth response, marked by creativity, solidarity and agility, during the time after earthquake, has demonstrated that nurturing youth leadership can bring about positive transformation for a resilient, thriving and prosperous Nepal. As Nepal moves towards state restructuring and economic prosperity needed to realize the aspirations of the new constitution, the urgency for a change in national mindset is now higher than ever – we need to move from dependency to collaboration and from desperation to innovation.
A highly nurturing entrepreneurship ecosystem is required for developing an enterprising mindset and effective enterprise development. For this to happen, a host of different actors and stakeholders have to work together in symbiotic and synergistic collaboration. The Daayitwa Summer Fellows 2016 will dissect and stitch together the challenges and opportunities in a range of dimensions of these issues. The common goal of the team is to promote leadership and innovation in governance for creating an enabling environment that promotes economic prosperity and inclusive growth by harnessing the values of collaboration, innovation and service.
More specifically, fellows will work closely with a partnering government agency at either national or local level, a member of parliament or a parliamentary committee. This way, fellows will collaborate, innovate and serve rising above the institutional, geographical, political and power-sharing boundaries to fulfill a common goal for national importance.
Daayitwa Fellowship’s action focus is on three domains described below:
1. Research and Analytic Advisory Support
Daayitwa Fellows leverage their analytical and critical thinking abilities, international and national academic and professional training, creativity and adaptive leadership to work shoulder-to-shoulder with Members of Parliaments and various public agencies to solve their critical challenges within a defined scope of work. As technical policy advisors, the Fellows may undertake initiatives in one or more of the following domains of ‘Democratic Chain of Engagement’ domains.
2. Enhancement of Adaptive Leadership Capability and Critical Skills
- To equip Daayitwa Fellows with technical tools and contextual knowledge, the following capacity enhancement support will be provided:Introductory course on governance and legislation process of Nepal.
- The team of Fellows will partake a series of leadership exercise developed in collaboration with professors at Harvard Center for Public Service.
- The Fellows will receive technical and adaptive skills enhancement trainings for strengthening the team’s capacity to undertake analytical and operational work more effectively and efficiently :
-Effective communication and relationship building skills.
-Writing skills for report, briefs, blog, peer-reviewed journals, wiki, and media outlets.
3. Synergistic Collaborations
The Daayitwa Fellowship entails, a close collaboration, a relationship built on trust and solidarity, and apolitical embracement of shared – Daayitwa towards the constituencies and citizens of Nepal. As such, MPs, public bodies and Daayitwa Fellows will synergistically embark on a journey of learning and adaptive leadership development critical for innovation in producing results.
Learn more about the fellowship titles and deadlines here.
For details, visit: