The Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington program has five internship opportunities.
Interns report for work each day at the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, which is housed in the same office as the Scripps Howard News Service, four blocks from the White House. They report and write a variety of stories. In addition to perfecting their reporting and writing skills, interns take photos and shoot and edit video. The meet with experts at the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Student Press Law Center, the Washington Post, the State Department, the Pentagon and others to better understand how to cover the news. Interns should be prepared to cover government, politics, breaking news, business, sports and features.
Post-graduate multimedia fellowship
The fellowship includes website design and maintenance, creating multimedia projects for the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, teaching skills to undergraduate interns and helping them to develop multimedia projects. The paid fellowship includes free housing. It will begin in September 2014 and go through August 2015. The application form will be available in early 2014.
International students
The Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington internship program brings two international students per year to Washington to work at the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire for a semester. The internship is designed to give international students an opportunity to cover events in the U.S. capital, as well as to report and write feature stories for the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire and other news outlets.
Hispanic Link internship
The Scripps Howard Foundation sponsors an intern who reports for the Hispanic Link News Servicein Washington. The term dates, stipend and housing arrangements are the same as those for Semester in Washington interns. Students interested in both programs must apply to each. The Hispanic Link intern reports on Washington news for readers of this influential newsletter. Applicants should have an interest in reporting news about and for a Latino audience.
All applicants must use the online application form.
2014 Program dates and application deadlines
Spring: Jan. 6 to April 11. Application deadline: Nov. 1. Program includes a stipend of $2,660 and free housing.
Summer: June 9 to Aug. 15. Application deadline: Nov. 1. Program includes a stipend of $1,900 and free housing.
Fall: Sept. 10 to Dec. 16. Application deadline: March 15. Program includes a stipend of $2,660 and free housing.
Click on photo to enlarge or download: Summer 2012 intern Chelsea Boozer interviews people attending a rally for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.
Undergraduate reporting internshipInterns report for work each day at the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, which is housed in the same office as the Scripps Howard News Service, four blocks from the White House. They report and write a variety of stories. In addition to perfecting their reporting and writing skills, interns take photos and shoot and edit video. The meet with experts at the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Student Press Law Center, the Washington Post, the State Department, the Pentagon and others to better understand how to cover the news. Interns should be prepared to cover government, politics, breaking news, business, sports and features.
Post-graduate multimedia fellowship
The fellowship includes website design and maintenance, creating multimedia projects for the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, teaching skills to undergraduate interns and helping them to develop multimedia projects. The paid fellowship includes free housing. It will begin in September 2014 and go through August 2015. The application form will be available in early 2014.
International students
The Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington internship program brings two international students per year to Washington to work at the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire for a semester. The internship is designed to give international students an opportunity to cover events in the U.S. capital, as well as to report and write feature stories for the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire and other news outlets.
Hispanic Link internship
The Scripps Howard Foundation sponsors an intern who reports for the Hispanic Link News Servicein Washington. The term dates, stipend and housing arrangements are the same as those for Semester in Washington interns. Students interested in both programs must apply to each. The Hispanic Link intern reports on Washington news for readers of this influential newsletter. Applicants should have an interest in reporting news about and for a Latino audience.
Short Course
from Hampton University and Florida International University spend a
month in Washington reporting news and news-feature stories.
2014 Program dates: May 12 to June 5. Application deadline: Nov. 1
Program includes a stipend of $760 and free housing.
Scripps Howard Foundation Wire
1090 Vermont Ave. N.W. - Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20005
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