Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Application Transatlantic Writing Opportunity 2013

Dear Applicant,

Please provide below information as comprehensive as possible. The information will be used to match you with a counterpart from the other continent. Hovering over the fields yellow pop-up will provide the background to the required input. Please apply as soon as possible so the matching process can start quickly. More information about the event can be found here or at the page of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. Please make sure to attach your CV / résumé of max two pages at the end of the form. Longer CVs / résumés will not be accepted. Applications without CV / résumé will not be considered.
Note that everybody is invited to apply! Members of YPFP and Fellows of the YEL Society will receive preferred treatment. We are much looking forward to your application. Best of luck,

Young Professional in Foreign Policy & Young European Leadership

Questions / contact: Matt Hays (YPFP) or Anders Taube (YEL).



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