Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Call for Contributors in Africa 

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Global Integrity is embarking on a partnership with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation to prepare the African Integrity Indicators (AII) 2013-2014. The project assesses key social, economic, political and anti-corruption mechanisms at the national level in all African countries. Through an expert assessment methodology, the project evaluates both legal frameworks and the practical implementation and enforcement of those frameworks across various categories, including safety and the rule of law, sustainable economic opportunity, and human development.
This effort will require a global team of journalists, researchers and subject matter experts across Africa to conduct original research and gather data that will feed into the Ibrahim Index of African Governance. For information on the requirements and how to apply, please see the fact sheet below.
Who We Are Looking For:  Professionals from the fields of journalism, academia, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector with a proven track record of performing high-quality interviews and desk research, meeting deadlines, and promptly responding to queries as part of a large research team. Interested candidates, including those who have worked with us before, should apply online by visiting
Positions are open until filled.
Project Roles
Lead Researcher: An experienced journalist (preferred) or researcher with proven experience in completing fast-paced and precise desk research, conducting original interviews of key sources, and obtaining other current, hard information to assess social and economic issues. Experience and knowledge of some of the issues assessed by the African Integrity Indicators (anti-corruption mechanisms, gender, rural sector, etc.) and/or expertise in international development is preferred but not absolutely necessary.
A strong command of English (or French, for French speaking countries) is required. Lead researchers must be working in the country of study, be independent of government (having not served in a government position for at least three years), and have at least five years of relevant professional experience.
Reviewers: Reviewers will play a key role in the data quality control process by reading and providing commentary on the information submitted by the Lead Researcher. They will be asked to provide feedback on indicators’ accuracy, relevance and balance. Knowledge of the issues mentioned above is required. A strong command of English (or French, for French speaking countries) is also required. There will be three types of Reviewers:
-Country Reviewers: These reviewers are experts in a specific country and have a deep knowledge of the local reality in relation to anti-corruption mechanisms and development issues.
-Functional Reviewers: These reviewers are experts with a deep knowledge of at least one of the core dimensions of the African Integrity Indicators mentioned above. Each Functional Reviewer will review a small number of indicators across many countries.
-Regional Reviewers: These reviewers are familiar with the anti-corruption mechanisms and development issues in a particular region or sub-region of Africa. Regional reviewers will be asked to review all indicators for countries that fall within their region of expertise.
Timing and necessary availability: Lead Researchers will begin fieldwork in September 2013, will have four weeks to submit answers to roughly 120 indicators (questions), and must be available to promptly clarify any aspect of their research through November 2013. Reviewers must be available to perform their review of data between November 2013 and January 2014 and have time to review at short notice and with a quick turn around (2-3 days).
Compensation: All work is compensated. All contributors to the project will be publicly acknowledged (unless they ask otherwise).
Country coverage: All 54 African countries.
Who We Are
Global Integrity is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that champions transparent and accountable government around the world by producing innovative research and technologies that inform, connect, and empower civic, private, and public reformers seeking more open societies. The organization has used its expert assessment methodology in anti-corruption assessments in over 100 countries with the Global Integrity Report.
The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to bring about change by providing tools to support advances in leadership and governance in Africa. The Foundation, a non-grant making organization, helps to define, assess and enhance governance and leadership in Africa using the tools such as the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, the Ibrahim Prize, and others.


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